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Density Lab

This density lab requires this knowledge to be understood, the information is the following:The Density of a substance is it’s mass per unit volume, The symbol that is used to represent density is ”p”. The formula to find density is mass  divided by volume. Substances with different densitiy can not join and will become an heterogeneous mixtur. That’s everything you need to know enjoy!

Este laboratorio de densidad requiere que se comprenda este conocimiento, la información es la siguiente: La densidad de una sustancia es su masa por unidad de volumen. El símbolo que se usa para representar la densidad es "p". La fórmula para encontrar la densidad es masa dividida por volumen. Las sustancias con diferente densidad no pueden unirse y se convertirán en una mezcla heterogénea. Eso es todo lo que necesitas saber ¡disfrútalo!


When mixing three substances with different densities in a glass, which will remain at the bottom of the glass?

We thought that the densest  substance will be on the bottom of the glass because it was heavier than the other substances.


How density affects the behavior of a substance with respect to another of different density?

It affects each other because the substances with different densities cannot join and become an homegenious mixture, which results the mixture being heterogenious  that is when both of the substances join can be identified and differentiated. 

How is it possible to calculate the volume of a solid when immersed in a fluid?

To measure the volume of a solid immersed in a fluid. First the fluid needs to be in a glass of measurements, then the object that the volume needs to be found is sumerged into the glass. After you taked the measurements of the glass before and after the solid,  substract the measurements with the solid object with the original measurements (before the solid).


1.  Honey 100 ml.
2.  Liquid soap 100 ml.
3.  Liquid cream 100 ml.
4. Food coloring 
5. Beaker 
6. Measuring glass
7. Cooking oil


First you need to measure 100 ml of the substances you want to add with the measuring glass , (Oil, water with colorant, liquid cream or luquid soap). Second, add the 100 ml of each substance to the beaker, remember to add each one of the substances gently and slowly becuase this makes the seperation process easier. Third and finally, wait 3 min for the substances seperate.

Chart with results


Our hypothesis were right becuase, first the honey was the densiest and the most heavy substance and it stayed at the bottom, this proves our point that the  heaviest and densiest fluid stays at the bottom. Second, the difference of density and mass makes the three fluids seperate and creates different layers were the densiest and the heaviest are at the bottom and the lighter and less dense substance stays at the top, we can see this with the water and honey. Finally, we were wrong on the last hypothesis because althought it can be also the method that we use to find the volume, this one can be also use: using the beaker with the different susbtances that have different densities, put the solid in there. And the liquid that is fluid that is displaced is the volume of the solid, this information can be used to find the density of the solid.

Note: We didn´t did the volume experiment because of the vaccination process time wasn´t enough, but we stilled learned about the esperiment.

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