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Filtration Lab

By: Sara Rodriguez, Mariajose Lopez, Santiago Quitian and Alejandro Lizcano


To understand this lab you need to understand the following information. So first Solids which dissolve in water are called soluble solids. And that solids which don’t dissolve in water are called insoluble solids.  Also If the particles of insoluble solids settle down in water, they can be separated by decantation which is a process we will not talk about. Finally the mixture in which the solid particles remain suspended can be separated by filtration that is our experiment. With this separation cleared, enjoy!

Para comprender este laboratorio, debe comprender la siguiente información. Primero Los sólidos que se disuelven en agua se denominan sólidos solubles. Y esos sólidos que no se disuelven en agua se denominan sólidos insolubles.  Además, si las partículas de sólidos insolubles se depositan en el agua, pueden separarse por decantación, que es un proceso del que no hablaremos. Finalmente, la mezcla en la que quedan suspendidas las partículas sólidas se puede separar mediante filtración que es nuestro experimento.


Will the water come as clean as it was before putting it with the sand on the beaker?



The water will not come as clean as it was before because althought the sand is an  insoluble solid, some particles can settle down. It can be seperated with a process called decantaion. 


1.  2 gr of sand.
2.  10 ml of water.
3.  200 ml beaker.
4.  Paper filter.
5.  a small glass funnel.
6.  a mixer tube.
7.  100 ml beaker.


First add the the 10 ml of water inside the 100 ml beaker, then add the 2 gr of sand with the water, then start mixing the 2 susbstances until they seem like an homogeneous mixture, then get ready the 200 ml beaker with the funnel on top of it with the filtration paper on top of the funnel, then start adding the homogenious mixture to the funnel gently.




Our hypothesis was right because the sand that is insoluble stayed on the paper filter, and the water fell on the 200 ml beaker and past through the paper filter and the water was not clean at all because some of the particles of the sand settle down on the water and it passed through the paper filter. So in conclusion filtration is a mixture with  2 substances with different densities that are separated. 


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